
get at me

Thursday, April 28, 2011


 Why do you think the people in Grossman's photographs were so happy and what was the result? because they look like the type of friends that are close like family. and they probly were still friends after they took those photos because of how close they were to each other.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Gordan Parks:
American Gothic (1942)
This photograph has been compared to the American Gothic, by Grant Wood.  What is similar in this photograph compared to Wood's painting? (a)one was holding a pitchfork and in american gothlic he was holding a mob and broom. What is different about this photograph?(a) in the other pic the people are cacasion and in this pic he is african american.  What do you think Gordon Parks is trying to say?(a) that the african american has a harder time. Note: look at the date the photograph was taken to help you with this question 

Dorothea Lange:
Lange took this photograph of a Japanese owned store the day after Pearl Harbor (1941). By putting up this sign, what was the store owner trying to say to others about how he felt about America?(a) that it dosent matter if he is lapanes, because he is still an american. When America attacked Afghanistan in 2002 and Iraq in 2003, many people of Middle Eastern descent living in America put American flags in their windows. How is this similar or different to what the Japanese store owner did in 1941?(a)that just because they live
 in america and they are from iraq, they rather be labeled or is an american.
Eugene Smith:
Three Generations of Welsh Miners (1950)
Coal mining had less restrictions during 1950 than it does now, meaning that it was more hazardous and more dangerous.  What is this photo showing about a coal miner's life?(a)that they dont get to take baths.  Do you think this photo was posed?(a) no  Why or why not?(a) because the background is too real

Mary Ellen Mark:

The Damn Family
By looking at this photograph, what can you tell about this family?(a) they are unfortinet and they might live in there car.  What is the man's relationship with the woman and how can you tell?(a) he is abusive because she looks sad and he has her held tight. What are the children's relationship like and how can you tell?(a) the sister loves her brother. because she id\s holding his face.
Henri Cartier-Bresson:
Cape Cod, Independence Day, 1947 
“This woman explained to me that the flagpole over her door was broken, but ‘on such a day as this, one keeps one’s flag on one’s heart.’ I felt in her a touch of the strength and robustness of the early American pioneers.”—Henri Cartier-Bresson, Independence Day, 1947. 
Do you think that people are just as patriotic now as they were in the 40's?(a) no  Explain your reasoning. because u dont see people wearing flags around there neck. people now'a days arent into patriotism. im my eyes.


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